Tag Archives: Vidura neeti

Vidura Neeti-2

We start off this class with Vidura’s puzzle for a happy life. He then starts expounding his neeti from number#1. In this class we cover #1 through #3.

एकया द्वे विनिश्चित्य त्रिंश्चतुर्भि: वशिकुरु ।
पंचजित्व विदित्वा षट् सप्तहित्व सुखी भव ।।
With one, discriminate the two. Control the three with the four. Win the five, know the six, give up seven and be happy!!

With one (buddhi), discriminate the two (right and wrong). Control the three (friends, enemies and neutrals) by the four (sama(unite through sameness), Dana(bribes,gifts), bheda(divide through differences), Danda(punish)). Win the five (senses), know the six (adhibhuta(world around), adhyatma(individual), adhidaiva(deities beyond us), adhiyajna(obligatory giving/offerings), Brahma (power of god) and karma (power of effort)) and let go of the seven (striya (illicit relationships), Aksha (gambling), mrigya(hunting), paanam(addictions like alcohol), vaakpaarusham(harsh speech), mahadada-paarusham(harsh punishment), artha-dushanam (misusing wealth))

Vidura Neeti – 1

In the first class, we learnt about the character of Vidura, the ideology of Kanika Bharadwaja is taken up as well. We end with learning the first puzzle of Vidura about what is needed to be happy.